The University of Warwick (WARWICK)

Warwick Systems Biology Centre (WSB)
Senate House
Lead Investigator
Prof. David Rand
Scientific Personnel
Dr T Bretschneider - modelling, quantitative image analysis
Prof N Burroughs - modelling, phylogenetics, theoretical immunology, gene network inference
Dr B Finkenstadt - statistics, data analysis
Dr S Ott - bioinformatics, second-generation sequence analysis, promoter structure
Prof D Wild - bioinformatics, network inference, proteomics
Technical Personnel
Dr Jay Moore - Lead Bioinformatician
Dr Paul Brown - Scientific Programmer and Analyst.
Claire Boddington - Bioinformatics Technician
Dr Yi Chan - Bioinformatics Technician
Dr Yi-Fang Wang - Bioinformatics Technician
Institute Presentation
The Warwick Systems Biology Centre (WSB) is an autonomous research institute of the University of Warwick with its own accommodation and 14 staff some of who hold joint appointments with the Medical School, the School of Life Sciences and the Mathematics Department. It also has particularly strong links to the Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Statistics. A key unique selling point of WSB is the strength and breadth of the mathematical, statistical and bioinformatics skills that it brings to bear on its biological projects.
The technical personnel listed below support databases & data management, data capture & basic processing, and pipelines and workflows for processing complex data such as RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and microarray time series. As such they will provide such support to this project. In addition, they will interface to the WP08 and the associated postdocs, and provide support for advanced analysis, the creation of user-friendly and web-based tools, and scientific and systems computing.
The staff will be led by Professor D A Rand. They will bring a broad range of state-of- the-art techniques and tools to the project for modelling, imaging, reconstruction of dynamics from imaging data, analysis of genomics and proteomics data, analysis of promoters and chromatin structure, model analysis and experimental optimisation, network inference, transcription factor prediction and second-generation sequence analysis.