Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg (DKFZ)

German Cancer Research Centre
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280

Dr. Congxin Li
Senior PostDoc
Institute Presentation
The German Cancer Research Centre (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) has a worldwide reputation of excellence in basic and translational cancer research. Founded in 1964, it is the largest life-science institute in the Helmholtz Association of national research centres. Research at the DKFZ contributes to a better under- standing of fundamental processes in cancer and develops innovative methods of cancer diagnostics and therapy. The research programme features seven areas: Cell biology and cancer; Structural and functional genomics; Cancer risk factors and prevention; Tumour immunology; Innovative cancer diagnosis; Prevention and therapy; Infection and cancer; and Translational cancer research. The DKFZ offers outstanding facilities for innovative, multidisciplinary research with state-of-the art scientific equipment. Locally, the DKFZ has long-standing ties with Heidelberg University and EMBL.
In recent years, the DKFZ has made a major commitment to the development of systems biology, with currently three research divisions and one junior research group dedicated specifically to this field. Since 2007, the DKFZ has been coordinating the Helmholtz Alliance for Systems Biology. This program has been a key national systems-biology initiative. Moreover, DKFZ scientists belong to the core faculty of the MSc course Molecular Life Sciences/Systems Biology at the University of Heidelberg.