Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 29
80333 Munich, Germany


Project Manager

Otilia Postea

Dr. Otilia Postea
International Projects Manager
Leader of WP 11 & WP12 
Phone: +49 89 248 83 03 26

Company Presentation

ARTTIC is the leading European group specialised in consultancy and management services for international research and technology-related partnerships. ARTTIC assists consortia from all business and research sectors, small and large, private and public, to ensure their collaborative ventures are as successful as possible.

In particular, ARTTIC provides services to organisations working on European Union supported programmes such as FP7 and Horizon 2020 and national programmes mainly in countries in which ARTTIC is present (e.g. the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir in France and the programmes funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft or Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in Germany). Founded in Paris in 1987, ARTTIC is now a group of companies with main offices in France (Paris and Toulouse); Belgium (Brussels); Germany (Munich and Berlin); England (Derby) and Israel (Tel Aviv).

ARTTIC is involved in a range business and technology sectors with specific expertise in the areas of: health and biotechnology; transport, including aeronautics and space; information technologies and telecommunications; security; energy; environment; industrial technologies and micro-electronics.Many ARTTIC professionals have both technical and managerial backgrounds. The ARTTIC team includes strategists, project managers, negotiators, technical writers and people with marketing expertise. They are drawn from a broad industrial and academic base. ARTTIC forms a truly multi-cultural team, composed of people from many different nationalities with a wealth of experience working on European projects.

As a result of its extensive experience, ARTTIC has access to and developed a range of tools and technologies to support the work on projects from templates and methodologies for the full range of project management (and dissemination) tasks to skill in the use of collaborative tools to support remote team-working.