Prof. Werner Müller featured on
Our coordinator Prof. Werner Müller is featured in a Q&A about his current work in SysmedIBD[more]
Summary of first results published
A summary of the work progress in SysmedIBD so far has been published on the project website[more]
SysmedIBD congratulates our coordinator Werner Müller on the Lord Alliance Price

Werner Muller has received an award by generous Lord Alliance for his collaborative research[more]
Werner Muller presented SysmedIBD at Helmholtz Center
Werner Muller, coordinator of SysmedIBD presented SysmedIBD at the Helmholtz Center for infection research. Please find more information by following this link.
4th Steering Committee Meeting in Manchester
The Steering Committee Meeting of SysmedIBD will come together for their 4th Steering Committee Meeting to discuss the current progress of the project.[more]
Professor Chris Probert on BBC News 24 talking about Crohn's disease
Professor Chris Probert on BBC News 24 talking about Crohn's disease. Please, click on the Link to see the whole interview.[more]
Immunology Post-doctoral Position : Rehovot, Israel
A new postdoctoral position is open in the research group of Prof. Nahum Shpigel.[more]